Guide introduction

We will show you the deep of Akan Lake.

■Adventure staff
Shigeru (Dameon) Takada / Mr.
- Maeda Ippoen Foundation Forest Guide
- Japan Nordic Walk League Walking Life Meister
- SKI Association of Japan Level Ⅰ
- Senior lifesaving training completion.
- Hokkaido Outdoor Guide (Nature)
- Wilderness Advanced First Aid
- GONTEX taping expert completed

■Adventure staff
Kumiko Mukai / Ms.
- Senior lifesaving training completion.
- Wilderness Advanced First Aid
- Japan Nordic Walk League Official Instructor
- Hokkaido Outdoor Guide (Nature)

■Adventure staff
Junpei Matsuoka / Mr.
- Japan Nordic Walk League Official Instructor

■Adventure staff
Tohru Uchiki/ Mr.
- Japan Nordic Walk League Official Instructor